
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Sourdough Savory Pancake

Using discard is always better if you wait till the sourdough is deflated, unless you are wanting to make bread.  I pulled this out of the fridge and it wasn't fully deflated and the gluten was really strong still.  It made the savory pancake stiffer to work with.  

This is all that I left in my jar to feed later.  Not much, but if you leave more the sourdough can't live without being fed much more often.  I use mine about once a week and store it in the fridge once it has doubled on the counter.  

I poured it directly from the jar onto the frying pan, but since it was so strong it didn't flow like a regular pancake.  Maybe next time I will add it to a bowl, and put extra water, salt, and seasoning to the batter.  Instead I simply salted on top of it, then added toppings to cook into it.

Pink sea salt, sesame seeds, oil for the pan, and chives from the garden.

Nummy, half done.

Flipped to soon, would have been better cooked longer or at a higher temp.

Flipped over to cook a little bit longer.

Tasted pretty good, tender and sour.  I will do it again, but with a few changes lol!

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